Dual finger capture - Biometric Supply Shop

Dual finger capture

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Dual finger capture

Dual finger capture requires users to scan two fingers for identification. This adds an extra layer of security compared to single-finger scanners. By using two unique identifiers, the system becomes more resistant to potential spoofing attempts, making it ideal for high-security applications such as government facilities, financial institutions, or access control systems for restricted areas. Fingerprint scanners can sometimes struggle with minor cuts, dirt, or dryness on a single finger. By capturing two fingerprints, the system has a higher chance of obtaining clear and accurate scans, leading to a more reliable identification process. False acceptance occurs when an unauthorized person gains access due to a mistaken match between a scanned fingerprint and the enrolled template. Dual finger capture significantly reduces this risk. The requirement of two successful scans minimizes the possibility of a random match, ensuring only authorized individuals gain access. While requiring two scans, dual finger capture can be faster to enroll users compared to systems capturing multiple impressions of a single finger. This is because capturing two distinct fingerprints provides a more comprehensive representation of the user’s unique biometric data, potentially reducing the need for additional scans during enrollment. In law enforcement, capturing ten fingerprints (two fingers from each hand) during booking procedures allows for more comprehensive identification and verification. Additionally, dual-finger capture can be used for secure online transactions, adding an extra layer of authentication to protect financial information. Dual finger capture technology provides a reliable and accurate identification method, ideal for various applications in security, finance, and beyond. At Biometric Supply different dual finger capture devices can be easily integrated into various public and private enterprise systems.

Xperix RealScan-D
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